We offer kiln firing services at the following rates:

Bisque only

$10/kg - Open Studio rate

$15/kg - External Firers

Glaze Only

$10/kg - Open Studio rate

$15/kg - External Firers

Bisque & Glaze

$15/kg - Open Studio rate

$20/kg - External Firers

Full Kiln 600L - $297 incl. GST

Half Kiln 600L - $181.50 incl. GST

Quarter Kiln 600L - $93.50 incl. GST

Drop-off times:

During school terms, the general drop-offs times are:

  • Weekday mornings.

  • Saturday Morning 9:30am-11:30pm

  • Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm

Please text before as our times in the studio vary.

For morning times text Leanne 0421-951-986

For weekend or evenings text Agatha 0408-963-722

Work is weighed and paid when you leave it at the studio.

Please allow time for us to get back to you. We may be busy teaching and will respond as soon as we can.

If you need us to glaze work for you, click the button below for details.

External Firers

Please fill in the form below before bringing your work to be fired.